Friday, March 21, 2008

Taste of the Nation is on Monday, March 24th!

This is the second year that I've helped to organize this truly special evening! Sample tastes from 60+ of DC's top chef's and restaurants and imbibe on all the wine you can drink. There's a chocolate bar. A bar chef competition. A live and silent auction. At $85 for General Admission, it's still a bargain of an event. And 100% of ticket sales go to fight childhood hunger in the local community. If you're a DC Foodie, it's the place to be on Monday night!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

O salty pickle juice, what can you not do!

Apparantly "Pickles Take to Freezing With Relish!" Thanks, Washington Post! A roller rink operator in Texas realized there is a closet group of pickle brine drinkers out there. His daughter even ate pickle brine ice cubes at camp and started selling them at the rink. It was such a hit that he ran out of the juice and went straight to the nectar, pressing the pickle itself and freezing the juice. What was a roller rink snack has become his life. He now sells approximately 20,000 Pickle Sickles a month across the country! They look like the little flavored ice pops in tubes that kids suck right out of the plastic. I'd venture to say they taste a bit different, however.

The demographic for frozen pickle juice is quite limited--it's adolescents, people over 50, and pregnant women. I don't fall into any of those categories, yet after reading the article I've got an intense craving...a deep desire for frozen pickle juice. And I'm inspired to use the brine now in so many ways.

As a substitute for Gatorade during softball games!

In a dirty martini! Bloody Mary's!

The article also suggests using pickle juice in salads, gazpacho, barbecue sauce, and of course to pickle more cut up vegetables.

Just don't tell the girl with picklephobia!